We’re committed to an ongoing conversation and giving communities more meaningful involvement in the way that places are designed


We have worked hard to ensure the final proposals reflect the needs of Mayfair today and in the future.

We have also provided various opportunities for everyone, including local residents and workers, to feedback on the proposals and for them to see how their comments have been listened to.
In the coming months we will share more about what happens next, but in the meantime please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Local engagement has included:

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    200+ attendees at 3 public consultations and online briefings

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    40+ briefings with local stakeholders including resident groups, amenity societies and Ward Councillors

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    6,000+ visits to the project website and online surveys

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    Regular updates to almost 1,500 addresses in the local area including:

    - 6 project updates
    - 3 invitations to the public consultations
    - A guide to the proposals

Throughout the engagement process between 2018 - 2020, many people responded positively to the proposals as they evolved:


A summary of all issues raised throughout the consultation, and our response, is set out in our ‘Statement of Community Involvement’. This is a public document that accompanies the planning application and is also available here.